Lateral epicondylitis, commonly known as tennis elbow, is not limited to tennis players. The backhand swing in tennis can strain the muscles and tendons of the elbow in a way that leads to tennis elbow. But many other types of repetitive activities can also lead to tennis elbow: painting with a brush or roller, running a chain saw, and using many types of hand tools. Any activities that repeatedly stress the same forearm muscles can cause symptoms of tennis elbow.

- Tennis
- Racquetball
- Squash
- Fencing
- Weight lifting
- Carpentry
- Typing
- Painting
- Raking
- Knitting
- Overuse injury of extensor carpi-radialis bravis
- Pain
- Pain while opening a door
- Pain while shaking hands
- Pain during rotational movements of wrist
- Pain during recreational activities
- Pain in wrist extension
Nonsurgical Treatment
- Rest
- Tennis elbow brace
- Hot and cold fermentation
- Physiotherapy
- Medications
- Injections